Sea Hunter 是Undersea Hunter集团旗下的一艘豪华潜水船宿游轮,该游轮主要在哥斯达黎加的科科斯岛提供为期11天/10晚的潜水船宿行程,其最大载客人数为20位旅客。



Very amazing dive holiday!!! Especially during the covid, thanks for everything! The crew were awesome! Food were wonderful, Diving were top!



Sea Hunter 是其他专业潜水船宿游轮的标杆,这是一艘非常稳定且坚固的游轮,最初该游轮是为墨西哥湾石油工业而制造的,后来经过改造曾经用于商业潜水船。Undersea Hunter集团于1994年将其买下后,经过八个月的大规模改造和装修才让这艘船变成了今天这个引人注目的样子,该游轮拥有宽大的平台甲板,强大的机械化功能与现代化舒适的内部构造。

Sea Hunter 是一艘长36米,宽8.1米的焊接钢体游轮,专门为用于远程探险(如前往科科斯群岛和马尔佩洛岛等地)而设计,船上拥有潜水员和水摄师所希望的一切:个人装备存放箱,配有110V&220V交流电源的个人独立的水摄装备储放柜和工作平台,极速稳定的减摇装置,甚至有专门的客用洗衣机&烘干机可用于烘干客人的毛巾和泳衣。


Sea Hunter 船上的独立餐厅同样位于主甲板层,配有5个可供4人同时进餐双排餐桌,两个餐区之间的人可以非常方便地对话聊天。船上会提供美味的美式菜肴和哥斯达黎加菜肴,膳食种类多样,口味多样,丰富且营养均衡。有新鲜的热带水果,沙拉,鱼,鸡肉,牛肉等等,我们会有一位出色的大厨为您烹饪各式美食,一直以来有旅客不断赞美我们厨师的创造力,如果您有任何特殊的饮食需求或要求,请告知我们。



Sea Hunter 船上的潜水配置配均达到了国际标准,其中包括:水肺潜水供气设备,高氧气体供气设备,循环呼吸器技术支持,零速稳定器等,个人装备储放区域等等。此外靠近潜水甲板处还有一个专门的相机室:配有带充电插座的相机工作平台,20个独立的相机储放柜,即使是携带最大水摄相机,照明灯也可轻松放入,

DEEP SEE 深海潜水艇:
Ocean Hunter Group 可为旅客提供深海潜水艇项目,在可可岛的另外一艘船上配有一艘量身定制的深海潜水艇,该潜水艇灵活、功能强大、设计精良,可以在它安全范围内安全灵活的移动,整个潜水艇只有一个独立船舱,旅客进入后可360度无死角看到深海的每一个角落。该潜水艇每潜仅能搭乘一位驾驶员和两位乘客,它可以提供两个不同的深海潜水艇项目:1.下潜至80米的深度;2.下潜至305米的深度。这艘深海潜水艇每天最多仅能提供两潜,一次是在早上,一次是下午。这两个深海潜水艇项目都可以直接在船上购买,也可提前预定,船员会送你们去另外一艘船体验深海潜水艇。


Sea Hunter 船上共有10间旅客客舱,该游轮每期船宿可接待20位旅客出行:


1间 主套房:

1间 上层甲板大床套房:

2间 豪华双床客舱:

3间 豪华大床客舱:

3间 豪华双床客舱:


  • 通常每日提供3潜 + 每期最少提供额外的3次夜潜

  • 登船日 & 离船日当天不提供潜水项目

  • 所有潜水项目均提供专业的潜水向导领潜服务

  • 该游轮可支持所有类型的闭路循环呼吸器(CCR)

  • 该游轮可为技术潜水员提供混合气体支持


  • 高氧潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 15升气瓶:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 循环呼吸器潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 技术潜水:可以提供支持,但需额外收费
  • 深海潜水艇潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费,行前2周必须告知
  • 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险才能进行潜水
  • 网络供应:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 洗衣服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 船宿期间支付方式:现金(美元)或信用卡
  • 船员人数:14人,含2位潜水向导


General Dive Information for Cocos Island

Dive Experience/Level
Cocos Island presents the same diving challenges as any other Pacific, Indian or Red Sea diving location. Cocos, however, is not recommended for inexperienced divers because it is an open ocean destination that requires advanced open water diving skills.

Please note, the minimum required level of certification to dive at Cocos is Open Water and we strongly recommend having at least the Specialties of Deep & Night Diver. We also recommend having a minimum of 35 dives experience.

Dive Conditions
Most of the action is at 60-90 feet /18-27 meters, and most dives are between 60-130 feet / 18-40 meters. The safety limit is set at 130 feet / 40 meters and a dive computer is necessary. Visibility averages 60-100ft/18-30m. Average water temperature is 79 F to 84 F (26 C to 29 C), although it can be a few degrees lower under the occasional thermocline.

Sample Itinerary - 11D/10N

Arrival Day
You must arrive at least one day prior to the boat departure date.

Upon arrival to San José, we can have transportation waiting for you (please contact us for a quote) or you can take a taxi to your hotel. There are always taxis available at the airport, even minivans for those of you who carry a lot of gear. We can also recommend and arrange accommodations for hotels in San José.

Please note that air transport, airport transfers, hotel nights and meals before and after the cruise are not included in the charter.

Day 1
The following day, generally between 8 AM and 1 PM we pick up from certain hotels and transfer everybody by bus to Puntarenas where you will board the vessel. The drive takes about 2 1/2 hours, and gives you a chance to view the lush forest and rich farmland of the region.

Due to occasional low tides our boats may need to depart from the pier earlier in the day. Should this occur, you will be transferred by skiff to the vessel. When all passengers have arrived on board, the vessel will take a 32-36 hour cruise out to Cocos Island.

Day 2
A travel day. There will be time to arrange dive and camera gear as well as enjoy the Pacific and the sunshine. Also, the group of incredibly experienced divers provides plenty of stories to pass the time. There are videos and the experience of the Captain and crew to help you get excited for the if you need them. In addition, you may want to take this time to take one of our diving courses.

Days 3 - 8
Spent diving the pinnacles around the perimeter of Cocos Island. Divers usually average three dives per day at depths of 60-100 feet (18-30 meters) or more. This, of course, is what the whole trip is about. It will also be possible to do at least three night dives during the trip.

Between dives or when time permits, guests are welcome use the sea kayaks, go for a swim, snorkel around the boat, or just chill-out and watch movies.

Day 9
Make the last 3 dives before the cruise back to Costa Rica and reality!

Day 10
All day to discuss the diving and to compare your adventures!

Day 11
Arrival to Puntarenas. Immediately after breakfast you will be transported back to San Jose. We strongly recommend staying one more night on land, before flying out, in case of any unforeseen delays.

DeepSee available

DeepSee is a highly technical one-of-a-kind submersible.
It is subject to an extensive daily checkup routine, governed by the ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) protocols. Considering the subs complexity, we cannot guarantee that it will be available for all days or dives reserved. In the unfortunate event that Deep See is not available for your dive, we will provide a full refund of the pre-booked payment. No further compensation will be offered in such an event.

The DeepSee submersible is scheduled to be onboard certain trips throughout the year. The cost of DeepSee dives are additional.

Optional tours

While you are here in Costa Rica it is certainly worth the extra time to visit other aspects of the country that truly make it a natural wonderland. Very active volcanoes, white water rafting, mountain biking, some of the most pristine jungles in the world, coffee plantations, horseback riding, visits to craft centers, and of course, some of the most beautiful beaches in the world are among the activities and destinations available in the country. We would be happy to arrange one day tours or longer trips to more remote areas at the client´s request. Recommended Costa Rican companies will operate these tours.



船宿目的地 科科斯岛
推荐理由 提供高氧, 循环呼吸器支持, 支持技潜, 深海潜艇, 水上运动设备, 水摄友好
船员可沟通语言 英语, 西班牙语


船宿日期 行程天数 船宿目的地 登船点 - 离船点 舱位售价
09/06/202419/06/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
22/06/202402/07/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
05/07/202415/07/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
18/07/202428/07/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
31/07/202411/08/2024 11 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,628.84 船期详情
14/08/202424/08/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
27/08/202406/09/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
09/09/202419/09/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
22/09/202402/10/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
04/10/202414/10/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,126.05 船期详情
19/10/202430/10/2024 11 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,628.84 船期详情
01/11/202411/11/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £4,682.19 船期详情
14/11/202424/11/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £4,682.19 船期详情
30/11/202410/12/2024 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £4,682.19 船期详情
30/05/202509/06/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
12/06/202523/06/2025 11 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £6,009.86 船期详情
26/06/202506/07/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
09/07/202519/07/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
22/07/202501/08/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
04/08/202515/08/2025 11 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £6,009.86 船期详情
18/08/202528/08/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
31/08/202510/09/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
13/09/202523/09/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
26/09/202506/10/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
09/10/202519/10/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,491.36 船期详情
22/10/202502/11/2025 11 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £6,009.86 船期详情
05/11/202515/11/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,255.68 船期详情
18/11/202528/11/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,255.68 船期详情
01/12/202511/12/2025 10 晚 科科斯岛 Puntarenas - Puntarenas 最优价格 £5,255.68 船期详情


船宿目的地 行程天数 客舱类型 舱位售价
科科斯岛 10 晚 Double Twin From £4,682.19
科科斯岛 10 晚 Suite From £5,192.83
科科斯岛 11 晚 Double Twin From £5,628.84
科科斯岛 11 晚 Suite From £6,139.48


  • 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
  • 燃油附加费
  • 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
  • 离船日前一晚在陆地餐厅的晚餐
  • 船宿期间的软饮
  • 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
  • 潜导领潜服务
  • 高氧潜水
  • 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
  • 游轮意外伤害险
  • 客舱清洁服务


  • 目的地国境内航班
  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
  • 随晚餐提供的酒类饮品
  • 潜水装备租凭
  • 15升大气瓶
  • 高氧潜水
  • 船宿期间的潜水课程
  • 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
  • 旅行保险/行程取消险
  • 船员小费



潜水季节:全年均可前往,Dive and Cruise团队建议大家在每年的5月底-10月前往比较合适,海况更好,其中8月-9月更是看巨型锤头鲨风暴的最佳季节,虽然是哥斯达黎加的雨季,能见度有所降低,但是鲨群普遍比其他月份更多,特别是在满月附近的日子。

潜水情况:科科斯岛全年平均水温在23°C - 29°C之间,但是因为水下常有冷流,建议考虑至少5毫米的潜水服+头套+手套以备不时之需。能见度通常在12米 - 30米之间,洋流不强,潜水整体难度不大。


气温情况:首都圣何塞的年平均气温最低为15℃,最高为26℃;沿海城市平均气温相对较高,大约在28 - 30℃,全年雨水充沛。建议轻便的夏日着装,夜间由于比较凉爽,最好再备一两件长袖外套防风。

签证信息: 中国公民若有:1.美国多次往返的B1-B2类签证或D类签证;2.加拿大多次往返签证;3.美国/加拿大/欧盟国家的合法居留许可,可免签进入哥斯达黎加。入境后停留时间不能超出所持签证有效期,同时不能超过30天停留期。护照有效期自入境之日起,应不少于6个月。


航班建议:所有参加船宿的旅客都需要提前至少1天抵达哥斯达黎加的首都 - 圣何塞(Juan Santamaría Airport -机场代码:SJO),并入住游轮公司指定接送酒店。目前,中国和哥斯达黎加之间没有直飞航班,旅客可以从:俄罗斯/美国/加拿大/法国/瑞士/荷兰/墨西哥等国转机前往。


经验证后的真实反馈 (2)

Lea, 26/08/2021

Very amazing dive holiday!!! Especially during the covid, thanks for everything! The crew were awesome! Food were wonderful, Diving were top!


Tony, 03/07/2014

Me and my gf dived in the Cocos in september 2012, just after the big earthquake, so the visibility was not as great as it normally was. But it didn't stop us from seeing INSANE things! The boat was great, and we were so lucky to have the divemaster Manuel onboard, he is brilliant, and completed our trip! Although this boat was probably the most expensive boat to get out there, but you get what you paid for, and I would say 100% to go with them!




Argo 是世界知名潜水船宿运营公司Undersea Hunter集团旗下的一艘专业潜水船宿游轮,该游轮主要在哥斯达黎加的科科斯岛提供为期11天/10晚的船宿行程,该游轮共可承载18位旅客出行。

Nautilus Explorer 是Nautilus Fleet船宿游轮运营公司旗下一艘专业船宿游轮,该游轮根据潜水季节主要在索科罗群岛和哥达卢佩岛提供潜水船宿之旅,其最大载客量为25人。

Okeanos Aggressor I 是一艘豪华型专业潜水船宿游轮,由Aggressor Fleet管理运营,全年均在哥斯达黎加境内的科科斯岛提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载22位旅客。

Sea Hunter 是Undersea Hunter集团旗下的一艘豪华潜水船宿游轮,该游轮主要在哥斯达黎加的科科斯岛提供为期11天/10晚的潜水船宿行程,其最大载客人数为20位旅客。

Okeanos Aggressor II 是一艘豪华型专业潜水船宿游轮,由Aggressor Fleet管理运营,全年均在哥斯达黎加境内的科科斯岛提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载22位旅客。

Cocos Island Aggressor 是一艘豪华型专业潜水船宿游轮,由Aggressor Fleet管理运营,全年均在哥斯达黎加境内的科科斯岛提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载22位旅客。

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