Bilikiki 是一艘舒适型专业潜水船宿游轮,该游轮全年均在所罗门群岛境内提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载20位旅客。



We want to thank you heartedly for the friendliness, hospitality and phenomenal diving. The entire experience both underwater and on the boat was so memorable and spectacular. Thank you for working...



Bilikiki 是一艘长38米,宽7.5米的钢质游轮,该游轮是第一艘在所罗门群岛境内提供船宿潜水服务的专业潜水游轮,早在1989年该游轮就开始提供潜水服务了。历经数年的潜水船宿经营,该游轮在潜水,巡航和探险方面都积攒了丰富的经验,此外,该游轮每年都会定期接受保养维护,船上配有全套的专业航海通讯和导航设备,以最大程度地保证旅客的舒适度和巡航的安全性。

Bilikiki 是一艘宽敞的潜水船宿游轮,拥有宽敞的活动空间,以及齐全的配套设施,该游轮的稳定性能非常高,经过特别量身制定,该游轮非常适合在南太平洋的海况中巡航。




Bilikiki 的潜水甲板卫浴主甲板层的船尾位置,配有个人潜水装备放置空间,潜水服挂晾衣架,淡水淋浴处,潜水装备清洗水箱,水下摄影装备清洗水箱,此外,搭乘随船快艇的捷径也设在此处。



Bilikiki 船上共有10间舒适的旅客客舱,该游轮共可承载20位旅客出行:

所有客舱均配有空调系统,私人卫浴室(配有洗发水和沐浴露),充电插座 (跟澳洲的插座一致),储物空间,等客舱设施。此外,船上共配有5个风吹机,如果旅客在船宿期间需要使用,只需询问船员即可。

2间 双床客舱:

8间 大床客舱:


  • 通常每日提供4 - 5潜,具体取决于实际海况

  • 登船日 & 离船日当天均不提供任何潜水项目

  • 离船日前一天仅提供1 - 2潜 (根据旅客返程航班)

  • 所有潜水项目均提供专业的潜水向导领潜服务


  • 高氧潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 15升气瓶:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 循环呼吸器潜水:目前暂不提供/支持
  • 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险
  • 网络供应:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 洗衣服务:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 船上支付方式:现金 (美元/欧元/当地货币)或信用卡
  • 船员人数:13人,含2位潜水向导


The Solomon Islands - 8D/7N or 11D/10N

The Solomon Islands has an amazing array of varied, rarely visited dive sites. Bilikiki Cruises does not have a fixed itinerary for dive sites but goes to the best spots possible for the conditions and the interests of our guests.

During a 7 night trip we visit the Russell Islands, Mary Island and the Florida Islands to dive the stunning reefs of these areas. We also visit a village to see custom singing and dancing and to see traditional life.

On a 10 night or longer trip we also visit the Marovo Lagoon area of the Western Province. On the longer trips the Bilikiki will stop at other villages to see the famous wood carvings of the area. Here you will have to chance to see and buy hand made carvings and other amazing traditionally made items.

Village visits are arranged during the surface intervals so as not to effect the number of dives offered per day. We offer 4 day dives and a night dive and although there is no fixed itinerary here is an example of some of the dive sites which we normally do if the conditions allow.

Boarding time on the first day is normally around 4PM. Disembarkation is around 8AM on the last day. We will meet you at the airport and transfer you to the vessel, or if your flight is earlier than the boarding time to a nearby hotel where you can relax.

Russell Islands

Leru Cut : A channel back into Leru Island forms a breathtakingly beautiful reef formation which when dived at the right time of day has amazing beams of light and fantastic photo opportunities. Surface at the end and see the vine covered cliffs and jungle before descending and exiting onto a sheer wall of fans and soft coral.

White Beach : The site of an American WWII base where trucks, bombs and ammunition was dumped into the sea. Both a fascinating historical dive and a fantastic macro site in an unusual mangrove location.

Mirror Pond : A stunning pond reflecting the jungle overhead. Outside on the reef is a sheer wall where snappers and travelly hunt and pygmy seahorses hide in gorgeous gorgonian fans. The shallows host a stunning coral garden where crocodile fish, cuttlefish and anemone fish live.

Karumolun Point : The chief of Karumolun Island has banned all fishing and collecting on this dive site for five years creating a local marine protected area. This point has great soft coral, a big school of jacks, barracudas and lots of sharks, often eagle rays are seen here too. The macro side of this dive site is fantastic as well with disco clams (electric file shells), nudis, cuttlefish, crocodile fish and ghost pipefish among the things seen.

Mary Island

Divers often refer to Mary Island as the “best” dive of a trip. It is an uninhabited island with a stunning amount of hard corals and fish life. The schools of fish are amazing here especially when joined by sharks, turtles and bumphead parrot fish. We usually stay here for the whole day.

Florida Islands

Twin Tunnels : This large sea mount, in the middle of the channel between Guadalcanal and the Florida Islands, has two tunnels which drop vertically straight down from 12m and exit in a cave at 35m. Swimming out of the cave to the sheer wall there are schools of fusiliers with grey reef sharks cruising by. It is also home to some amazing coral, cuttlefish, octopus and mantis shrimp plus schools of snapper, tropical fish and an amazing array of anemone fish.

Devils' Highway : The best place in the Solomons to dive with manta rays. A channel between two islands funnels water to form a strong currents and an adrenaline filled dive. Drift along the reef top, duck under the reef wall and watch as up to a dozen mantas swim close by in formation to feed. They are often joined by sweetlips, jacks and bumphead parrotfish.

Maravagi Bay : A macro divers delight! A calm protected bay offering all sorts of great macro subjects such as nudis, demon stinger, scorpion fish, cockatoo wasp fish, various pipefish, cuttlefish, juvenile batfish, various anemone fish, shrimps and crabs. Plus a few of giant clams and a small wreck packed with batfish and bream.

Japanese Mavis Seaplane : A Japanese seaplane sunk during WW2 which sits upright on the bottom at 30m, it is an impressively large, mostly intact plane. This site is also excellent for macro subjects with reef top pipefish, twin spot gobies and spine check anemone fish.

Marovo Lagoon Area

Kicha : Not only is this dive site a truly stunning example of hard corals and sea fans, it is teeming with fish life. Friendly batfish follow divers around, schools of jacks and barracuda circle around the point while giant bumphead parrotfish chomp on coral. All this amazing colour and beauty passes by to a sound track provided by the underwater volcano Kavachi which is only 15 miles away.

Mbulo Caves : A series of interconnecting caves and swim throughs with beautiful sun beams and a magical atmosphere. There is also staggering hard coral and tropical fish on the reef out side.

Wickham Island : There are a lot of amazing dive sites around this island. It has something for everyone with soft coral points, huge sea fans, sharks and rays. Plus great places to look for the small stuff such as pygmy seahorses, cuttlefish, crocodile fish, snake eels and many different species of anemone fish.

Japanese Maru #2 : A Japanese cargo vessel sunk by American bombers in WW2 this is a a stunning photogenic wreck covered in black corals. A deck gun lies hanging over the side of the ship and trevally and groupers hunt the decks.



船宿目的地 所罗门群岛
推荐理由 提供高氧, 支持侧挂, 水上运动设备, 水摄友好, 海钓渔具, 洗衣服务
船员可沟通语言 英语


船宿日期 行程天数 船宿目的地 登船点 - 离船点 舱位售价
11/06/202422/06/2024 11 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
22/06/202402/07/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
02/07/202413/07/2024 11 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
13/07/202423/07/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
23/07/202402/08/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
06/08/202416/08/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
17/08/202427/08/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
27/08/202407/09/2024 11 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
07/09/202417/09/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
17/09/202427/09/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
28/09/202412/10/2024 14 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
12/10/202426/10/2024 14 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
26/10/202405/11/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
05/11/202415/11/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
15/11/202425/11/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
25/11/202405/12/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
10/12/202420/12/2024 10 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情
21/12/202404/01/2025 14 晚 所罗门群岛 Honiara - Honiara 最优价格 0.00 AED 船期详情


船宿目的地 行程天数 客舱类型 舱位售价
所罗门群岛 10 晚 Deluxe From 0.00 AED
所罗门群岛 11 晚 Deluxe From 0.00 AED
所罗门群岛 14 晚 Deluxe From 0.00 AED


  • 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
  • 增值税和地方税
  • 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
  • 船宿期间的自助类饮品 (饮用水、咖啡、茶)
  • 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
  • 潜导领潜服务
  • 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
  • 游轮意外伤害险
  • 客舱毛巾和洗浴用品
  • 客舱清洁服务


  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
  • 燃油附加费
  • 船宿期间的酒类饮品
  • 船宿期间的软饮
  • 潜水装备租凭
  • 15升大气瓶
  • 高氧潜水
  • 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
  • 旅行保险/行程取消险
  • 船员小费



4月 - 6月 & 9月 - 11月,这里全年都可以潜水,旋风很少袭击所罗门群岛。

所罗门群岛水下平均能见度约为15 - 30米,有时甚至可以达到30米以上。洋流比较温和,且海面几乎总是平静的。

气温 : 冬季在23°C - 28°C之间,夏季在24°C - 29°C之间
水温 : 全年水温都在28°C - 30°C之间,其中6月-8月偏冷(28°C - 29°C)


适合所有级别的潜水员,你可以在这里找到更多关于所罗门群岛潜水的信息 : 所罗门群岛

登船 / 离船
大多数船期的登离船点都在所罗门群岛的首都 - 霍尼亚拉/Honiara。旅客可以飞往霍尼亚拉国际机场/Honiara International Airport (HIR)。
多数国家的旅客都需要经澳大利亚的布里斯班(BNE)中转前往。此外,Air Niugini航空公司在新加坡和霍尼亚拉之间也有经莫尔斯比港(POM)的航班选择。




针对在澳大利亚转机的旅客,如果转机时间超过8小时,或希望在转机期间离开机场,则可能需要在旅行前申请澳洲的过境或访问签证,具体请参考:澳大利亚移民局 - 请注意,澳大利亚签证申请可能需要14天以上的时间。





经验证后的真实反馈 (1)

Iqbal, 25/01/2016

We want to thank you heartedly for the friendliness, hospitality and phenomenal diving. The entire experience both underwater and on the boat was so memorable and spectacular. Thank you for working so hard, loving your work and taking care of us. We enjoyed every minute. We hope to come dive with you again!




Kona Aggressor II 目前已停止运营

Solomons Master 是一艘豪华型专业潜水船宿游轮,由Master Fleet管理运营,该游轮根据季节在所罗门群岛和比基尼环礁提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载16位旅客。

French Polynesia Master 目前已停止运营

Bilikiki 是一艘舒适型专业潜水船宿游轮,该游轮全年均在所罗门群岛境内提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载20位旅客。

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