Belize Aggressor III 是一艘长33.5米,宽6.7米的专业钢制潜水船宿游轮,与Aggressor Fleet其它潜水船宿游轮一样,该游轮是一艘依照美国国家航运局标来建造和维护的专业船宿游轮,该游轮采用柴油驱动,巡航速度为10海里/小时,船上提供110V的电源。
Belize Aggressor III 的配套设施包含一间宽敞舒适的室内空调沙龙室,一间独立的餐厅,一个配有热水浴池(户外按摩浴缸),开放式休闲处,折叠式躺椅,CD音像播放器,酒水吧台,烧烤设备的阳光甲板。此外,该游轮船上还设有一个配套完全的图片中心,带有数字录像与静态图片编辑软件的电脑可供旅客使用。
Belize Aggressor III 船上将免费为旅客提供精选的饮品,包括:果汁,软饮,饮用水,冰茶,咖啡和当地啤酒及葡萄酒。由于酒类饮品的高关税,我们建议旅客可以从机场的免税店购买并自带您比较钟爱的酒类品牌。需要注意的是,船宿期间饮酒后,就无法参加当日的潜水活动,一旦你饮酒了,你得第二天才可以进行潜水哦。
船上的潜水设施包含高氧,个人的独立潜水储物箱, 带有低压气管的相机置放台,两个带有热水(淡水)的花洒淋浴处。潜水甲板上会有充足的空间来放置潜水员的各种潜水装备,船艄和潜水甲板区域都非常宽敞,而游轮尾部的登船梯则是专门为潜水者而设计的,非常方便进出。
Belize Aggressor III 船上共有9间舒适的旅客客舱,该游轮最多可承载18位旅客出行:
1间 套房客舱 (#9) :
1间 豪华客舱 (#1) :
位于底层甲板,客舱内配有两张单人床(上下铺), 该客舱比同价格的其他客舱大一些,但是没有舷窗
7间 豪华客舱 (#2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) :
通常每日提供4 - 5潜,取决于实际海况/行程
登船日 & 离船日当天均不提供任何潜水项目
离船日前一天仅提供1 - 2潜 (根据旅客返程航班)
- 高氧潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
- 15升气瓶:可以提供,但需额外收费
- 循环呼吸器潜水:目前暂时无法提供
- 技术潜水:目前暂时无法提供 / 支持
- 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费
- 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险
- 网络供应:目前暂时无法提供该服务
- 洗衣服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
- 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
- 船宿期间支付方式:现金(美元)或信用卡
- 船员人数:6人,含2位潜水向导
Itinerary for Belize
Every Saturday at 6 pm, the luxurious BELIZE AGGRESSORs casts off from the Radisson Ft. George dock for liveaboard scuba diving, located in the heart of downtown Belize City for a week of hassle-free diving to Lighthouse Reef, Half Moon Cay and the famous Blue Hole. The mystical Blue Hole, a collapsed freshwater cave system is approximately 1000 feet across and over 400 feet deep. The Blue Hole was made famous by ocean pioneer Jacques-Yves Cousteau who declared it one of the Top Ten Dive Sites in the World. In 1971, he brought his ship, the Calypso, to the Blue Hole to chart its depths. Once descended into the Blue Hole guests will see beautiful vertical stalactite formations.
Throughout the week you will dive at Turneffe and Lighthouse Reef. Sheer walls like Painted Wall, Half Moon Caye Wall and Quebrada are adorned with huge crimson gorgonians and wandering, lilac rope sponges. Weather permitting; divers explore the mystical Blue Hole, a collapsed freshwater cave system.
With all dives from the mother ship, up to five dives a day are offered except on Friday. Diving begins Sunday morning and ends Friday before lunch when the yachts return to port. The crew hosts a sunset cocktail party at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner shore (not included).
Saturday morning at 8:00 am, guests are transferred to the Belize Airport or a local hotel. Throughout the week there will be opportunities to go ashore for swimming, snorkeling and beach combing.
Glovers Reef
Embark/Disembark: Belize City/Belize City
Park fees: $15 USD per week + Port Fee
Travel Time: 5 ½ - 7 ½ hours from port to Glover’s Reef Atoll
This island jewel is an oval-shaped coral atoll (18 miles long x 6 miles wide) and located 27 miles (43 km) from in the mainland. The sparkling interior lagoon is dotted with over 800 thriving patch reefs and pinnacles that rise to the surface of its turquoise waters.
The Glover’s Reef Marine Reserve is a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site and one of the seven protected areas in Belize.
The atoll forms part of the outermost boundary of the Belize Barrier Reef, along with Turneffe Atoll and Lighthouse Reef. Because the atoll is remote and protected, many of the islands have virtually uncharted, virgin habitats and spectacular diving.
This adventure features diving on shallow walls, healthy reefs, and the chance to see abundant pelagic animals including large sharks and rays.
Every Saturday at 6 pm, the luxurious Belize Aggressor III® & Belize Aggressor IV® casts off for liveaboard scuba diving from the Radisson Ft. George dock located in the heart of downtown Belize City.
Guests will be met by a crewmember in uniform at the Belize City (BZE) International Airport and transferred to the yachts. Guests may board Saturday between 3 pm - 6 pm. At 6 pm the yacht departs for its night anchorage to prepare for diving Sunday morning.
After a full week of diving, the Belize Aggressor III and Belize Aggressor IV return back to the Radisson Ft. George dock in Belize City Friday afternoon after lunch. Check-out is Saturday morning at 8 am. Transportation is provided back to the Belize City International Airport Saturday morning.
船宿目的地 | 伯利兹 |
推荐理由 | 提供高氧, 支持侧挂, 水摄友好, 按摩浴缸 |
船员可沟通语言 | 英语 |
船宿日期 | 行程天数 | 船宿目的地 | 登船点 - 离船点 | 舱位售价 | |
14/09/2024 至 21/09/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
21/09/2024 至 28/09/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
28/09/2024 至 05/10/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
05/10/2024 至 12/10/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
12/10/2024 至 19/10/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
19/10/2024 至 26/10/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
26/10/2024 至 02/11/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
02/11/2024 至 09/11/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
09/11/2024 至 16/11/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
16/11/2024 至 23/11/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
23/11/2024 至 30/11/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
30/11/2024 至 07/12/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
07/12/2024 至 14/12/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
14/12/2024 至 21/12/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
21/12/2024 至 28/12/2024 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
28/12/2024 至 04/01/2025 | 7 晚 | 伯利兹 | Belize - Belize | 最优价格 $3,195.00 | 船期详情 |
- 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
- 增值税和地方税
- 燃油附加费
- 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
- 船宿期间的自助类饮品 (饮用水、咖啡、茶)
- 船宿期间的酒类饮品
- 船宿期间的软饮
- 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
- 潜导领潜服务
- 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
- 游轮意外伤害险
- 客舱毛巾和洗浴用品
- 客舱清洁服务
- 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
- 燃油附加费
- 离船日前一晚在陆地餐厅的晚餐
- 潜水装备租凭
- 15升大气瓶
- 高氧潜水
- 船宿期间的潜水课程
- 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
- 旅行保险/行程取消险
- 船员小费
- 我们建议旅客在出行前至少1个月以上提交申请,以免耽误出行。
- 或者,可以通过伯利兹驻第三国使馆办理,如伯利兹驻美国/墨西哥使馆,签证费50美元,一般3个工作日出签。
插座:B/G型,110/220V @60Hz
航班信息:目前,没有从中国境内飞往伯利兹的直达航班。旅客可以前往美国或加拿大,再转机至位于伯利兹Ladyville的国际机场:the Phillip Goldson International Airport(PGIA),离伯利兹市区仅几分钟车程。
货币信息:当地货币为伯利兹元(BZ$),与美元汇率比例为:2:1。全国各地支持信用卡(Visa/Masterd Card)和旅行支票的使用,且有国际ATM可以支持信用卡取现。
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