NAI’A 是一艘豪华型专业潜水船宿游轮,该游轮全年均在斐济境内提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载18位旅客。

Xu Xiaodong


We REALLY had a wonderful time! Diving was great! Boat, Crew, Food was top notch! We flew from Beijing to Sydney then to Nadi, so it took awhile to get there! Our trip starts and ends in Lautoka,...



NAI’A 是一艘长36.5米,宽9米的钢制潜水游轮,由荷兰著名钢制游轮设计师-W. de Vries Lentsch及其团队匠心打造而成。该游轮于1993年正式完工,此后分别在2000年和2010年进行了全面的翻新和重建,以保证其优良的品质。

NAI’A 船上先进而精密的航海装备让它具备一艘真正的探险船的一切,该游轮具有在太平洋远端航行的稳定性,能够从斐济瓦努阿图和新喀里多尼亚,汤加,萨摩亚,图瓦卢,富纳富提和基里巴斯的凤凰群岛等地。



NAI'A 船上的潜水甲板可谓是在多个设计方面打破了传统,不仅宽大明亮,还拥有尽然有序的管理:潜水员可以将面镜,蛙鞋和相机等轻便的装备放置在此,而气瓶,BCD,配重等较重的装备则放置在船尾。每次潜水前后,热情的船员会为旅客准备好潜水所需的一切装备,清理装备等事宜,旅客完全不必为此烦恼。此外,潜水甲板上还设有带有淋浴处,并在每一次潜水后提供给旅客新鲜干净的毛巾。

潜水甲板的一旁是两个大型相机清洗水箱和专门的相机工作室内的压缩空气则能提供给水下摄影器材保养所需的一切。相机工作室内可以容纳大量的潜水员同时进行工作,并配有器材存放柜和大量的插座供应(110/220 V)。


NAI'A 船上共有9间豪华空调客舱,每期船宿可最多承载18位旅客出行:

所有的客舱都配有私人卫浴室(送纯天然洗发水,护发素,沐浴液,护肤乳),空调,110V & 220V电压插座,储物空间等设施.

2间 豪华大床客舱 :

3间 豪华双人客舱 :

2间 豪华家庭客舱 :

2间 豪华双床客舱 :


  • 通常每日提供3潜 + 额外可能的夜潜/黄昏潜
  • 登船日当天根据情况,会提供1次check dive
  • 离船日前一天仅提供1 - 2潜 (根据旅客返程航班)
  • 所有潜水项目均提供专业的潜水向导领潜服务


  • 高氧潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 15升气瓶:限量提供,且需额外收费
  • 循环呼吸器潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险
  • 网络供应:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 洗衣服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 船宿期间支付方式:现金(美元//斐济币)或信用卡
  • 船员人数:总人数14人,含2位潜导



The NAI’A itinerary appeals to both experienced and beginning divers. Until NAI’A opened up flourishing new areas, few people had ever experienced the untamed diving Fiji has to offer. Rob and the NAI'A crew have explored all corners of the country diving on nearly every promising reef or passage. The standard itinerary encompasses the absolute pick of that crop. And the daily schedule is carefully designed to provide maximum quality time underwater.

On many boats a "seven-day" charter includes seven nights but only five full dive days plus one dive on the sixth day (and you are asked to go ashore for dinner on the final night). By contrast, a NAI’A seven-day charter has seven nights and six full dive days plus a dive on the first afternoon aboard. Our 10-day trips schedule nine dive days plus the first afternoon dive. A much more accurate assessment of the value of a trip is to consider the cost per dive day.

The best dive sites are the Fijian islands and barrier reefs near Vatu-i-ra in Bligh Water and Namena, Wakaya, and Gau in the Koro Sea. On 10-day charters we have more time available to dive other reefs in the Koro Sea, some of them near Namena and others near nowhere!

White-tips and grey reef sharks are pretty much everywhere and our most reliable sites for hammerheads are the offshore seamounts of Mt. Mutiny and E-6, as well as the Namena Marine Reserve and Wakaya. When Howard Hall and his crew were diving deep to make the IMAX film *Coral Reef Adventure*, they often encountered giant schools of scalloped hammerheads, but they were below 275ft! We regularly see the singletons or small schools that come up to have a look at the funny things blowing bubbles up shallow. NAI’A divers often encounter resident manta rays feeding in the outgoing current or getting cleaned at offshore cleaning stations or, like this one, coming by to say hi! Barracuda schools circle the deepwater seamounts are always keen to check out a diver.

Day 0 :
Guests should fly into Nadi Airport (NAN) one day before the cruise. Before departing the airport, please change some money at the bank in the international terminal.

Day 1:
Your cruise aboard NAI’A begins at the Lautoka Wharf at 2:00 pm on Saturday. The crew will provide transport from Nadi-area hotels and the airport at about 1:00pm. Once onboard you will receive an orientation while your luggage is taken to your stateroom. Divers will set up their gear right away in preparation for a checkout dive the first afternoon. After setting up your dive gear, light snacks will be served as we make our way to the dive site.

Day 2 - Day 7 / Day 9:
NAI’A’s precise itinerary is weather dependent, however the first location will provide ideal checkout dive conditions – close to Lautoka, relatively shallow and calm. Diving in Fiji can be challenging due to strong currents and deep drop-offs. If you have not been diving in a while or have difficulty maintaining good neutral buoyancy, we suggest taking a refresher course before your trip. You will enjoy the diving more, take better pictures and, of course, avoid damaging Fiji’s precious coral reefs.

There are no handicrafts for sale in the villages we visit, but you may find time to go to the market before or after your trip. For purchases of anything on land, the currency used in Fiji is the Fiji dollar. This may be exchanged at the airport and in towns, plus withdrawn from ATMs. Please note that handicrafts merchants, taxi drivers, etc. do not accept credit cards. Check for the most up to date exchange rate.

Day 8 / Day 10:
On the day the charter ends, continental breakfast will be available before we bid you farewell at 8am. Air-conditioned vehicles will transfer you to your hotel in Nadi hotels or to the airport.


Your cruise aboard NAI’A begins at the Lautoka Wharf at 2:00 pm on Saturday. We will provide transport from Nadi-area hotels at about 1:00pm. If you plan to arrive in Fiji one or more days prior to the charter, you should book Friday night in a Nadi hotel or arrive at the Nadi airport from the outer islands the day before your charter starts. If you arrive in Fiji on Saturday morning, you will probably want to book a day room in Nadi in which to rest until pick-up time at about 1:00pm. Please make sure to notify our office of your pick-up location well in advance.

On the day the charter ends, continental breakfast will be available before we bid you farewell at 8am. Air-conditioned vehicles will transfer you to your hotel in Nadi or to the airport. If your flight home departs in the evening, we recommend you book a day room where you can store your luggage while you tour for the day and relax and shower before the flight.



船宿目的地 斐济
推荐理由 提供高氧, 支持侧挂, 循环呼吸器支持, 水摄友好, Wi-Fi
船员可沟通语言 英语


船宿日期 行程天数 船宿目的地 登船点 - 离船点 舱位售价
04/05/202411/05/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
08/05/202415/05/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
11/05/202418/05/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
15/06/202422/06/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
29/06/202409/07/2024 10 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $6,684.00 船期详情
13/07/202420/07/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
20/07/202427/07/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
03/08/202413/08/2024 10 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $6,684.00 船期详情
17/08/202424/08/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
24/08/202431/08/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
07/09/202417/09/2024 10 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $6,684.00 船期详情
21/09/202428/09/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
28/09/202405/10/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
12/10/202419/10/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
16/10/202423/10/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
19/10/202429/10/2024 10 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $6,684.00 船期详情
23/10/202430/10/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情
07/12/202414/12/2024 7 晚 斐济 Lautoka - Lautoka 最优价格 $4,681.00 船期详情


船宿目的地 行程天数 客舱类型 舱位售价
斐济 7 晚 Stateroom Double Twin From $4,681.00
斐济 10 晚 Stateroom Double Twin From $6,684.00


  • 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
  • 增值税和地方税
  • 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
  • 船宿期间的自助类饮品 (饮用水、咖啡、茶)
  • 随晚餐提供的酒类饮品
  • 船宿期间的软饮
  • 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
  • 潜导领潜服务
  • 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
  • 游轮意外伤害险
  • 客舱毛巾和洗浴用品
  • 客舱清洁服务


  • 燃油附加费
  • 船宿期间的酒类饮品
  • 潜水装备租凭
  • 15升大气瓶
  • 高氧潜水
  • 船宿期间的潜水课程
  • 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
  • 旅行保险/行程取消险
  • 船员小费








插座:澳大利亚标准 ( I 型 ),240V @ 50Hz

航班信息:多家航空公司提供由澳大利亚,新西兰,夏威夷和美国等地飞往斐济楠迪国际机场(Nadi International Airport)的直达航班。

货币信息:当地货币为斐济元(FJD)。许多地方设有外币换购处,信用卡(Mastercard/ Visa)被商家广泛接受。设有国际ATM,旅客可以使用信用卡直接提现。

经验证后的真实反馈 (1)

Xu Xiaodong, 17/08/2014

We REALLY had a wonderful time! Diving was great! Boat, Crew, Food was top notch! We flew from Beijing to Sydney then to Nadi, so it took awhile to get there! Our trip starts and ends in Lautoka, just north of Nadi. The diving is great with vast walls of soft corals, fish and critters! Majority of the diving is in currents, some weak some strong. We rarely dove the same site twice, with the exception of a few we couldn't get enough of. We also did a shark dive that was really fun if you like that kind of dive. During the trip, we did a visit to a Fijian village on Gao Island for a tour. The Nai'a boat was super good, we enjoyed everything onboard. We have been to Similan Islands in Thailand before, and we can say Fiji is even better. Thank you Dive and Cruise for the wonderful trip you planed for us! We would like to go Palau next year with you guys!




Kona Aggressor II 目前已停止运营

NAI’A 是一艘豪华型专业潜水船宿游轮,该游轮全年均在斐济境内提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载18位旅客。

French Polynesia Master 目前已停止运营

Aparima 是一艘豪华型双体船,由Big Blue Fiji管理运营,该游轮在斐济提供潜水和休闲巡航船宿,每期船宿可承载6 - 8位旅客。

Reef Endeavour 是一艘豪华型的巡航船宿游轮,由Captain Cook管理运营,该游轮全年在斐济境内提供潜水&休闲巡航船宿,每期船宿可承载130位旅客。

Fiji Princess 是一艘豪华型的巡航船宿游轮,由Blue Lagoon Cruises管理运营,该游轮全年在斐济提供休闲巡航船宿,可另购潜水套餐,每期船宿可承载68位旅客。

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