Shakti 是一艘舒适型的专业潜水船宿游轮,同时也是四王群岛地区经验最丰富的潜水船宿游轮,该游轮全年均在印尼四王群岛及周边地区提供潜水船宿服务,仅限包船,每期船宿可承载10 - 12位旅客。

Isabella Geist


I was diving with Shakti in December 2014 and I had really high expectations as I have heard so much about Raja Ampat before and was really excited to see for myself if all those things were true...



Shakti 是一艘32米长,7米宽的印尼传统比尼西帆船,其平均巡航速度在9海里/小时。该游轮在一个名为Tanah Beru的印尼小村庄里建成,该村位于孟加锡东南方向4小时路程处,Tanah Beru村的造船历史久远且十分有趣:几个世纪以来,这个村子里的Pinisi帆船制造者都是通过口口相传的造船工艺和当地人特有的本能来造船,可见每一艘他们建造出来的船是多么的独一无二。

Shakti 的建造者们也来自这个村子,该游轮是由14位印度尼西亚Pinisi帆船木工团队建造的。值得一提的是,船老板-David Pagliari也参与到了建船过程中,David不仅是该游轮的船主,也同时肩负船长和船宿计划总监的职位。David在建船期间花费了很多时间和精力,亲手操办该游轮的内饰,机械设备,电子设备,导航工具等的配置购买。最终,这艘游轮于2001年正式对外开放,并且提供专业的潜水船宿服务。

Shakti 是第一艘在四王群岛地区开展潜水船宿服务的游轮,该团队对该地区的了解,无论是四王群岛的文化、人民、神秘故事,还是海洋生物都是无与伦比的。因为没有哪艘船宿游轮像它一样花费了如此多的时间在四王群岛地区巡航,可见该游轮所具有的专业性和资历优势。而且这艘游轮曾多次被BBC和Planet Earth等影视团队作为自然纪录片的制定基地,可见其资历之深。

Shakti 船上空间宽敞的底层甲板上设有一个室内空调休息室,配有一张大型的白板和一个带放映机的家庭影院。此外还有多张可供旅客进餐的餐桌,另外船上设有多处可提供个人充电的插座。


Shakti 可提供欧式早餐,包括新鲜的水果和新鲜烘制的面包,旅客们可根据自己的需求直接向主厨说明喜欢的蛋类制作方式。船上提供的午餐和晚餐一般结合了东西方各自的特色饮食菜肴,包括各种鱼类,海鲜,蔬菜,鸡肉和牛肉。旅客们还可以在潜水间隙休息时享用船上每天提供的各种零食小吃,比如现做的蛋糕,饼干和坚果等。

Shakti 目前仅接待包船团队,可以提供各种个性化的定制服务,且会根据旅客们的兴趣和要求制定独特的四王群岛船宿路线,组织各种特色活动。 该游轮不仅拥有一群经验丰富的船员为来自世界各地的潜水爱好者们提供制定潜水路线,还可以提供前往那些几乎没人知道且尚未开发的潜点探奇,体验极致的潜水船宿之旅。


Shakti 船上共有6间舒适的客舱,该游轮可承载10 - 12位旅客出行:


4间 标准客舱:

1间 标准客舱:

1间 标准客舱:


  • 通常每日提供3潜 + 额外可能的夜潜/黄昏潜

  • 登船日 & 离船日当天均不提供任何潜水项目

  • 离船日前一天仅提供1 - 2潜 (根据旅客返程航班)

  • 所有潜水项目均提供专业的潜水向导领潜服务


  • 高氧潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 15升气瓶:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 循环呼吸器潜水:目前暂不提供/支持
  • 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险
  • 网络供应:目前暂时无法提供
  • 洗衣服务:目前暂时无法提供
  • 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供
  • 船上支付方式:现金 (美元/欧元/印尼盾)
  • 船员人数:9人,含2位潜水向导


What Shakti Offering ...

January – early July
Second half of July –> End of August : South Monsoon, Shakti’s maintenance period.

September – January
February -> North Monsoon : Perfect for Misool (south Raja Ampat) itineraries.

July – August
During this period we often organise trips to Cenderawasih Bay which is protected from the Monsoon and has some spectacular indigenous whaleshark populations as well as a large aray of second world war wrecks which we dive on.

Diving Highlights

Penemu: Limestone Islands covered in Tropical Rainforest seam to put you back to a land beyond our time.

Diving: pretty walls with lots of critters and well coral covered slopes, medium current. Excellent night dive sites: interesting species of clams, sea urchins, cephalopods, sea spiders and crabs in current protected areas.

Waigeo/Gam: Waigeo is the biggest of the 4 main islands in Raja Ampat and it’s in thick rainforest covered coasts invite to explore it via kayaks. Beautiful anchorages filled with bird noises at sunrise and sunset will knock you off your feet. The very close island of Gam is the only island in the world where the Red bird of Paradise is found.

Diving: Pinnacles, sandy slopes but also steep valleys inbetween islets, in soft coral covered walls with a hard coral reef top. Pegmy Seahorses, Epaulette sharks and rare nudibranches are some of the highlights here, but some ‘biggies’ are often seen cruising by.

Wayag: This island group is one of the most beautiful ones in the Archipelago. The Geology looks a lot like in Palau - turquoise, clear waters gets washed through the shallow waters directly from the Pacific Ocean. Taking the kayaks out you will see parrots, king fishers and also wild orchids and such around the uncountable mushroom shaped cast limestone rocks. A maze of large forested islands and sizable domes or beehive-shaped islets sourround the shallow lagoons.

Diving: Strong current around pinnacles and rocky islets invite big schools of barakudas and tunas to cruise around this area. Overhanging Walls inhabit lots of critters, also big groupers sharks are seen.

Kabui Passage: The islands Waigeo and Gam are divided by a narrow channel, which is nearly one nautic mile long. Reflected by the thick forests the water looks mystic green and in this peaceful area you can hear a huge amount of jungle noises like birds and bugs.

Diving: The Kabui passage is a very special dive and full of surprises… Strong currents wash through the shallow channel and the greenish water easily seams a bit spooky. Mangroves and rainforest cover its shoreline and inhabit archor fishes and colorful soft corals in the shallow waters but also lots of weird looking critters and juvenile fishes. From time to time you also see turtles and small schools of great barakudas cruising by. Also abnormous sized sponges and all different kinds of sea fans, sea pens, hydroids, sea squirts and shrimps make this area to a very unique habitat.

Daram/Efpian: From the surface the islets of black rock seam almost lost – the only habitats above the water level are pelagic birds, snails and chitons. But the clear deep blue water around them is full of marine life:

Diving: Colorful soft corals and black corals cover the rocks and in the numberous sea fans you find pegmy seahorses and spider crabs. Thousands of little reef fishes add one more dimension to this amazing under water landscape. Often big schools of batfish, bannerfish or red tooth trigger fish are cruising by.

Farondi/Wagmab: Pretty bays and cast limestone islands build the coastline of this region. There are also some interesting caves above and below the water level. Scenbic forested islands hills rise steeply up from the coast.

Diving: Heavy currents make some of the dive sites in between Farondi and Wagmab challenging, but if the visibility is good it is one of the most various and stunning dives you can do. Caves, sandy slopes covered in black coral bushes, gorgonion fans, sea whips etc. Also big schools of barakudas and bumphead parrotfishes are seen on the sites.

Kri/Mansuar: This locations in the centre of Raja Ampat support a diverse reef biota due to its incorporation of several major habits including an exposed steep drop off, algal ridge, reef flat and sheltered lagoons. White sand beaches with palm trees are found all around Mansuar, this area is also very nice for snorkeling.

Diving: Healthy reefs and a huge amount of fish – medium to strong current. Possibility to see Mantas, Blacktip, Whitetip and Grey Reef sharks.

Of course this is only an idea of what you will be seeing when diving in Raja Ampat. Surprise species are found ever again between all those marvellous islands and give new reason to return ever again.



船宿目的地 四王群岛, 极乐鸟湾
推荐理由 提供高氧, 支持侧挂, 水上运动设备, 水摄友好
船员可沟通语言 英语, 德语




  • 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
  • 增值税和地方税
  • 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
  • 船宿期间的自助类饮品 (饮用水、咖啡、茶)
  • 船宿期间的软饮
  • 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
  • 潜导领潜服务
  • 船宿期间使用皮划艇或/和SUP
  • 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
  • 游轮意外伤害险
  • 客舱毛巾和洗浴用品
  • 客舱清洁服务


  • 目的地国境内航班
  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
  • 燃油附加费
  • 船宿期间的酒类饮品
  • 潜水装备租凭
  • 15升大气瓶
  • 高氧潜水
  • 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
  • 旅行保险/行程取消险
  • 船员小费



10月中旬至次年4月,通常从5月份开始直至8月底四王群岛地区就开始起风了,海面风浪会比较大,这也意味着每年的6月至9月期间几乎没办法前往南部的米苏尔地区/Misool。在7月到9月期间,四王群岛北部的潜水仍然是令人愉快的。这里的能见度常年在10 - 30米不等,洋流情况视潜点和潮汐而变,有时比较温和,但也有机会遇上强流。

气温: 全年都稳定在25°C - 31°C之间
水温: 全年都很温暖,基本在27°C - 31°C之间



登船 / 离船
绝大多数船宿游轮的登离船点都在:索隆(SOQ),也有少部分游轮从Waisai (RJM)登离船,最佳的中转国际机场是雅加达(CGK)、望加锡(UPG)、巴厘岛(DPS)、美娜多(MDC)。







6月中旬至11月上旬,极乐鸟湾其实全年都可以潜水,浮游生物繁殖期通常发生在9月至4月初 (会成倍的吸引鲸鲨,但全年都可以在湾里看到鲸鲨)。通常船宿游轮会在6月至10月期间提供前往极乐鸟湾的船宿行程。极乐鸟湾水下能见度通常在10 - 35米之间,洋流温和。

气温: 一般全年在25℃ - 32℃之间
水温: 全年都很温暖,基本在27°C - 30°C之间



登船 / 离船
取决于你所选择的船宿游轮和船宿航线,登离船点可能会在:马诺克瓦里/Manokwari (MKW)、纳比雷/Nabire (NBX)、比亚克/Biak (BIK),最佳的中转国际机场是雅加达(CGK)。







经验证后的真实反馈 (1)

Isabella Geist, 12/06/2015

I was diving with Shakti in December 2014 and I had really high expectations as I have heard so much about Raja Ampat before and was really excited to see for myself if all those things were true. And I have to say: it exceeded my expectations in such a great magnitude! The trip was absolutely spectacular! The boat with it's beautiful flair was magical, they moved us during night times as well (absolutely unnoticed of course) so you would wake up to watch the sunrise in a completely new anchorage in a safe bay surrounded by small islands and eagles roaring in the sky! The diving was pristine; the guides, indonesian and english professionals, knew exactly where to go to spot the goodies. There are so many things that would have slipped my sight if they didn't draw the attention to it in such a nice way. They checked the diving spots before dropping us to make sure conditions were perfect. They kept the group together and entertained under the water as well as above the water with their spectacular stories and in depth knowledge about fish and the area. Also little dingy tours run be them gave them another chance to give further insights on how Raja Ampat emerged and what is special about their flora and fauna. Another thing that is always really important: The food! I was worried this might be a problem as I really enjoy good and healthy food but once again I was swept off my feet. They offered fruit at all times, dishes full of vegtables, fish, meat and vegetarian versions. A mix of indonesian and western cuisine made it a bliss for everyone. Tracking activities, stand up paddleing and the dingy tours offered a great mix of activities next to the already spectacular diving and snorkelling. There is not one bad thing I could say about this trip, the boat the kindest crew and the greatest guides (and the banana cake - oh my!). I can recommend a trip on Shakti to anyone who is interested in visiting Raja Ampat. Our trip consisted of all age groups and not a single one was disappointed. 5 out of 5 stars.




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