Red Dhow 是一艘传统阿拉伯风格船宿游轮,该游轮主要在阿曼的穆桑达姆半岛地区为旅客提供潜水船宿行程,其最大载客量为14 - 15人。





Red Dhow 于2003年5月建成,这是一艘23米长的传统的阿拉伯船宿游轮,由Al Marsa Fleet团队管理运营,该团队自1999年起便开始在阿曼的穆桑达姆半岛(Musandam Peninsula)提供潜水巡航服务了。

Red Dhow 整体给客人以传统糅合了现代的感觉:在该游轮的主甲板上,有一个室内空调沙龙室,沙龙室配有大型海景窗,木质地板和明亮的白色墙壁。



Red Dhow 提供带220伏交流电的电源插座,可插圆形或方形针的3针插头。如果旅客需要使用110伏交流电,就需要自带变压器。


Red Dhow 船上共有8间旅客客舱,每期船宿最多可接待14 - 15位旅客出行:


2间 配套客舱 :

5间 标准客舱 :

1间 标准客舱 :


  • 通常每日提供3潜 + 额外可能的夜潜/黄昏潜

  • 每周提供大约16 - 18潜,以实际行程/海况为准

  • 登船日 & 离船日当天均不提供任何潜水项目

  • 离船日前一天仅提供1 - 2潜 (根据旅客返程航班)

  • 所有潜水项目均提供专业的潜水向导领潜服务


  • 高氧潜水:目前暂时无法提供该项目
  • 15升气瓶:目前暂时无法提供该项目
  • 循环呼吸器潜水:目前暂不提供/支持
  • 技术潜水:目前暂时无法提供支持/租借
  • 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费,行前2周必须告知
  • 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险才能进行潜水
  • 网络供应:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 洗衣服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 船上支付方式:现金 (美元/迪拉姆/当地货币)
  • 船员人数:4人,含1位潜水向导


The cruise range allow you time to visit the more remote dive sites and to completely absorb the astonishing splendor of the Musandam Peninsula.

With wide range of leisure, adventurous and relaxing activities for you to enjoy. With our dynamic and flexible cruising/diving operation, we give you the opportunity to escape aboard a floating resort where our attentive crew will cater to your every whim, and the on-board chef will serve you delicious meals along a memorable journey. A choice of activities are available for you depending on your chosen itinerary, this could be a quiet day of leisure cruising or may include scuba diving, bottom fishing, snorkeling, sea kayaking, or simply swimming.

We offer live aboard trips for those who would like to experience life aboard one of our traditional styled vessels. This can be for divers, beginner divers and those hungry for new experiences. These trips journey to Shissa and can be chartered for longer trips upon request.

Guests will be Pick up at Ras Al Khaimah Intl airport (RKT) or Dubai International airport (DXB) upon arrival and taken directly to Dibba port. Check in time is from 2 am, the last day of the trip check out time is 9 am.

Just 80 miles from Dubai on a modern highway is Oman’s little-known Musandam Peninsula – an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Dramatic vertical cliffs in meandering bays plunge into the azure seas below, giving Musandam the affectionate nickname, ‘the fjords of the Gulf’. Below water the drama continues with dynamic underwater topography and an incredible array of exotic marine species.

Deep waters and cool upwelling water provide a rich plankton soup, making the coral gardens and drops-offs a rich feeding ground attracting a huge variety of marine life; whale shark, sun fish, pilot whales, lobsters, hawksbill, green turtles, huge schools of snapper, barracuda and jacks. Critters galore are also in abundance including nudibranchs, seahorses, mantis shrimp, cuttlefish and frogfish making Musandam a macro-photographer’s delight.

A fully equipped on-board diving room will cater to your needs. The Musandam is a pristine new destination, the deep drop-offs and cool water upwelling provides an abundance of plankton making this area a rich feeding ground for a large and colorful variety of marine life. Turtles, Reef sharks, Dolphins, Whale sharks, plus all the reef fish and corals of the Indian Ocean are usually spotted, and Hammerheads, Minke Whales & Sunfish have been seen.

The air temperatures here vary according to seasons. The lowest day temperature in Jan - Feb may reach 14°C and the highest is commonly 40°C in summer with 100% humidity. Not to worry our vessels are fully air-conditioned. The water temperature ranges from 20°C - 32°C. The milky visibility is due purely to the rich plankton, without which Oman’s incredible marine biodiversity wouldn’t be as rich nor as pleasurable.



船宿目的地 阿曼
推荐理由 水上运动设备, 海钓渔具
船员可沟通语言 英语




  • 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
  • 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
  • 潜导领潜服务
  • 燃油附加费
  • 离船日前一晚在陆地餐厅的晚餐
  • 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
  • 游轮意外伤害险


  • 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
  • 船宿期间的软饮
  • 船员小费
  • 潜水装备租凭
  • 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
  • 旅行保险/行程取消险
  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费



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Oman Explorer 是一艘由豪华型的专业潜水船宿游轮,该游轮主要在阿曼境内提供船宿之旅,该游轮最多可承载22位旅客出行。

Queen of Musandam 是一艘传统阿拉伯风格船宿游轮,该游轮主要在阿曼的穆桑达姆半岛地区为旅客提供潜水船宿行程,其最大载客量为12位旅客。

Red Dhow 是一艘传统阿拉伯风格船宿游轮,该游轮主要在阿曼的穆桑达姆半岛地区为旅客提供潜水船宿行程,其最大载客量为14 - 15人。

Brown Dhow 是一艘传统阿拉伯风格船宿游轮,该游轮主要在阿曼的穆桑达姆半岛地区为旅客提供潜水船宿行程,其最大载客量为12位旅客。

Blue Dhow 是一艘传统阿拉伯风格船宿游轮,该游轮主要在阿曼的穆桑达姆半岛地区为旅客提供潜水船宿行程,其载客量为6 - 12位旅客。

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