Caribbean Explorer II 是一艘舒适型专业潜水船宿游轮,由EV Fleet管理运营,该游轮全年均在圣基茨和尼维斯、圣马丁岛提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载18位旅客。





Caribbean Explorer II 是一艘坚固的铝质专业船宿游轮,长35米,宽7米,该游轮配有国际先进的安全系统装置和导航装置,具有非常高的安全性和稳定性,高标准的动力和舒适度,配有2台GM 12 V 71 柴油引擎(450hp),巡航速度在12海里/小时左右,是一艘集舒适,安全,稳定为一体的高品质船宿游轮。

Caribbean Explorer II 的上层甲板配有一个日光充足且非常宽敞的户外休闲区域,配有舒适的躺椅和一些户外椅子。此外上层甲板还设有一间半封闭式的空调沙龙室,配有电视,DVD,CD播放器,影像系统,桌子,座椅,以及一个开放式吧台。在沙龙室的前方,是宽敞的厨房以及船员休息室和前往驾驶舱的通道。

Caribbean Explorer II 船上的纪念商品展示柜位于该游轮的主甲板层,旅客可以在船宿结束前在此购买需要的纪念品。此外摄影摄像研究室则位于底层甲板。

Caribbean Explorer II 在船宿期间可以为需要的旅客提供卫星通讯服务,旅客可以使用船上的卫星电话与世界各地的亲朋好友取得联系,但该服务需要额外收取一定的费用。


Caribbean Explorer II 潜水甲板层的后方设有两个入水口,旅客可以非常便利地从海里上船。


Caribbean Explorer II 船上共设有9间客舱,该游轮每期船宿最多可承载18位旅客出行:

所有客舱都配有:空调系统,私人卫浴室,衣柜,充电插座(220V/110V,3孔插头) ,以及其他的客舱设施。


2 & 3号客舱:


5 & 6号客舱:


8 & 9号客舱:


  • 通常每日提供5潜,含可能的夜潜/黄昏潜
  • 登船日 & 离船日当天均不提供任何潜水活动
  • 离船日前一天仅提供2潜 (潜水后24小时后才可飞行)
  • 所有潜水项目均提供专业的潜水向导领潜服务


  • 高氧潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 15升气瓶:限量提供,但需额外收费
  • 循环呼吸器潜水:目前暂不提供/支持
  • 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险
  • 网络供应:可以使用自己的手机网络上网
  • 洗衣服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 船上支付方式:现金 (美元), 信用卡
  • 船员人数:8人,含2位潜导


In the Northeastern Caribbean, we have 2 itineraries, depending on the week you choose to dive with us. We depart alternate weeks from St. Maarten and St. Kitts. If you choose a charter that begins in St. Maarten, the charter will end in St. Kitts and you will fly home from there. If you choose a charter that begins in St. Kitts, the charter will end in St. Maarten and that will be your return location.

Days aboard the vessel generally involve breakfast from 7 to 8 am (cold breakfasts are available for late risers), followed by two-morning dives, lunch at 12:30 pm, two afternoon dives, dinner at 6:30 pm, and a night dive. Island tours will be arranged at each island visited for those interested; further island access is available daily upon request. Please note that these itineraries are examples only, and will change depending on weather and logistics at the Captain's discretion.

St. Maarten Departures

Please plan to be in St. Maarten by 4pm on the date of departure in order to facilitate the vessel’s clearance and timely departure for Saba. If you’re arriving at 3pm or later, please send us a copy of your passport prior to your departure. If meeting the vessel in St. Maarten, look for our driver upon exiting the baggage claim area; if no one is present, simply catch a cab to Bobby's Marina in Philipsburg; the vessel will be located near the end of the dock.

Saturday: St. Maarten
1500: Guests board
1830: Dinner (snacks or dinner available for those arriving on later flights)
2000: Captain's Briefing, documents, etc.
2200: Depart for Saba (2 1/2 hours) (Sometimes departure is earlier or later, but flights should not be scheduled for arrival after 4pm on Saturday)

Sunday - Tuesday: Saba
5 dives daily with optional island tour on Monday.
Night crossing to St. Kitts (2 1/2 hours).

Wednesday-Thursday: St. Kitts 5 dives. Night at mooring.

Friday: St. Kitts 2 dives and lunch, return to Port Zante.
Afternoon island tour (optional) and dinner ashore, with night spent aboard vessel at dock.

Saturday: St. Kitts
0700-0830: Continental breakfast
0900: Depart the vessel. Should you be leaving on an afternoon flight, feel free to leave your luggage aboard (or on the dock alongside) until you depart.

St.Kitts Departures

Saturday: St. Kitts
1500: Guests board
1830: Dinner (snacks or dinner available for those arriving on later flights)
2000: Captain's Briefing, documents, etc.
Night spent at dock.

Sunday - Tuesday: St. Kitts
5 dives daily; optional island tour on Monday. Night crossing to Saba (2 hours).

Wednesday-Thursday: Saba
5 dives daily; optional island tour on Thursday. Nights spent at mooring.

Friday: Saba - St. Maartens
2 dives at Saba before lunch; early afternoon crossing to St. Maarten.
Afternoon at leisure and dinner ashore, with night spent aboard vessel at dock.

Saturday: St. Maarten
0700-0830: Continental breakfast
0900: Guests depart the vessel. Should you be leaving on an afternoon flight, please feel free to leave your luggage aboard (or on the dock alongside) until you depart.

Wi-Fi and Communication

You can also use your cellphone while onboard (please check options offered by your provider): signal is very good in St Maarten and St Kitts. Saba has good signal too, but depending on our boat's position, it can be sometimes limited.



船宿目的地 圣基茨和尼维斯, 圣马丁岛
推荐理由 提供高氧, 支持侧挂, 水摄友好, Wi-Fi
船员可沟通语言 英语




  • 增值税和地方税
  • 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
  • 船宿期间的自助类饮品 (饮用水、咖啡、茶)
  • 船宿期间的酒类饮品
  • 船宿期间的软饮
  • 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
  • 潜导领潜服务
  • 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
  • 游轮意外伤害险
  • 客舱毛巾和洗浴用品
  • 客舱清洁服务


  • 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
  • 燃油附加费
  • 离船日前一晚在陆地餐厅的晚餐
  • 潜水装备租凭
  • 15升大气瓶
  • 高氧潜水
  • 船宿期间的潜水课程
  • 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
  • 旅行保险/行程取消险
  • Wi-Fi
  • 船员小费



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Caribbean Explorer II 是一艘舒适型专业潜水船宿游轮,由EV Fleet管理运营,该游轮全年均在圣基茨和尼维斯、圣马丁岛提供潜水船宿,每期船宿可承载18位旅客。

Halcón 目前已停止运营

La Reina 目前已停止运营

Vision III 目前已停止运营

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