Calipso 是一艘舒适Plus型专业潜水船宿游轮,该游轮全年均在加拉帕戈斯群岛提供潜水船宿,每期船宿最多可承载16位旅客。





Calipso 是一艘长35.4米,宽8米的钢制潜水船宿游轮,该游轮于2019年经过全面的精心设计改造翻新,使其平均巡航速度提速为11节/小时。该游轮最初建于1991年,在2018年至2019年期间,该游轮由运营公司在加拉帕戈斯群岛上进行了全面的翻新改造,现在船上所有东西都是全新的:发动机,发电机,压缩机,高氧机,电路,管道...全部系统都是新的,潜水甲板也是全新打造的,内部和所有外部公共区域都是新的。

Calipso 船上总共有4个甲板层:一个崭新的潜水甲板,一个带户外按摩浴池的顶层阳光甲板,一个带宽敞沙龙室和就餐区的主甲板,以及一个客舱甲板层。该游轮的主甲板层上设有一个宽敞的空调室内沙龙室,这里不仅是旅客休闲娱乐的好去处,也是享受每日三餐的地方,沙龙室内不仅拥有非常多的海景窗,还配有许多舒适带软垫的沙发座椅,影音娱乐设备,小型的图书角,还有一个储藏丰富的酒吧可谓旅客提供酒水服务。

船宿期间的饭菜绝对不会让您失望,更不会让你感到丝毫的饥饿!每天,在第一潜前将提供欧陆式自助餐开始,然后在第一潜后享用正式全套早餐。船宿期间的三餐均为自助式,任您吃。餐点供应国际菜肴和厄瓜多尔菜肴,均采用新鲜的当地食材和海鲜烹制。并且每潜后都会提供小吃和热饮。此外,水果,饼干等小吃将全天24小时供应。 如果您有特殊的饮食要求(素食,纯素食,无麸质等),请告知我们的客服,这样我们就可以提前告知游轮公司为你准备好适合你的餐食需求。

Calipso 在主甲板的船尾设有一个大型潜水平台,配有4个热水淋浴,相机工作台和其他潜水设施,例如:用来为相机电池充电的干燥存储器,公共卫生间,以及潜水装备置放区域等


Calipso 船上共有10间舒适的客舱,虽然该游轮拥有可以承载20位旅客的客舱空间,但由于加拉帕戈斯政府颁发的运营许可,该游轮每期船宿仅可承载16位旅客:

所有客舱的平均面积均为13平方米/ 140平方英尺。客舱设施包括:独立卫浴室,独立的空调系统,带数百种电影的影音娱乐设备,吹风机,保险箱,USB充电插头,强化地板(配有无过敏地毯),救生衣和火警系统。

6间 豪华客舱 (#1- #6) :

2间 豪华客舱 (#7 - #8) :

2间 单人客舱 (#9 - #10) :


  • 通常每日提供3潜 + 额外可能的夜潜/黄昏潜

  • 通常8天/7晚的船宿行程共计提供18 - 20潜

  • 登船日当天根据情况,可能提供1次check dive

  • 离船日前一天仅提供1 - 2潜 + 陆地观光行程

  • 所有潜水项目均提供专业的潜水向导领潜服务

  • 潜水员需达到AOW级别且具有80潜以上的经验

  • 潜水口哨, 象拔, 水下GPS定位仪会免费提供使用

  • 可以申请私人潜导 (需额外付费且必须提前预约)


  • 高氧潜水:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 15升气瓶:限量提供,但需额外收费
  • 循环呼吸器潜水:仅在包船情况下提供
  • 技术潜水:目前暂时无法提供/支持
  • 潜水装备:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 潜水保险:潜水员必须持有效的潜水保险
  • 网络供应:卫星WiFi,限量免费提供
  • 洗衣服务:可以提供,但需额外收费
  • 按摩服务:目前暂时无法提供该服务
  • 船上支付方式:现金 (美元)或信用卡
  • 船员人数:11人,含2位潜水向导


Calipso Galapagos Dive Itinerary

Day 1 - San Cristobal :
This morning, you will fly from the mainland of Ecuador to San Cristobal, Galapagos. Our guides will be there to greet you and escort you to the yacht. After getting settled in, we will have lunch and briefings followed by a check dive at Isla Lobos. Lobo is Spanish for wolf and sea lion is lobo del mar in Spanish. Expect to see sea lions. We sail to Marchena overnight.

Day 2 - Marchena Island:
Dive site Punta Espejo is located on the southeastern corner of Marchena, is typically only been dived by scientists and film makers. It is known for having very large pods of dolphins, schools of Hammerheads and Galapagos sharks. One film maker said he had never seen so many stingrays anywhere in the world. Other species include turtles, moray and garden eels, reef fish species and sometimes red lipped batfish in the sandy bottoms. 2 dives.

Dive site Punta Mejia is located on the northwestern side of Marchena, it is a shallow dive with many fish species, eels, rays and turtles. 1-2 dives, depending on timing. The group might opt for 1 dive and a panga ride as the geological formations are very interesting, again, depending on timing as we sail overnight to Wolf.

Day 3 - Wolf Island :
Wolf is one of the reasons Galapagos is on most divers’ bucketlist. Scientists have designated Wolf and Darwin (together as they are so close together) as the sharkiest place on earth because they have the largest biomass of sharks on the planet,

Sightings include huge schools of Hammerhead sharks, Galapagos sharks,Whale sharks (in season), Silky sharks, Eagle Rays, Sea Lions, Fur Seals, Mantas, Turtles, Jacks, Trumpetfish, Butterfly fish, Morish Idols, Moray Eels and Dolphins. Some sites at Wolf are covered in coral and all of the tropical fish species that live on coral reefs. Dive sites include Shark Bay, The Landslide, La Banana and Islote La Ventana. On the island itself, there are hundreds of thousands of seabirds including all 3 types of boobies in Galapagos – Red footed, blue footed and Nazca. There are frigates, pelicans, lava gulls and red billed tropicbirds.

Day 4 - Darwin Island :
Darwin’s Arch is an icon, the symbol of diving the Galapagos. It is located 229 km / 142 miles north of the central islands. In addition to Wolf, this is where we find massive schools of Hammerheads. Huge, pregnant Whale sharks pass through Darwin each year for reasons unknown.

Darwin is the warmest dive site in Galapagos due to the tropical Panama current. You spend a lot of the dive stationary, on a platform that drops into the blue where Hammerheads swim against the current. It’s like being on the side of a Hammerhead highway watching traffic pass. You leave the platform to swim out into the blue when a Whale shark is spotted. That sometimes means swimming through the Hammerheads, a truly magnificent experience you will carry with you forever.

Day 5 - Darwin Island > Walf Island :
We have 2 more dives at Darwin in the morning. We have 1-2 more dives at Wolf in the afternoon. There is an optional night dive at the Anchorage site. Anchorage has a sandy bottom where you may see garden eels and the red-lipped batfish.

Day 6 - Isabela Island or Fernandina Island :
JAN-MAY : Cabo Marshall (Isabela Island)
JUN-DEC : Cabo Douglas (Fernandina Island) + Punta Vicente Roca (Isabela Island)
Today is the only sites on liveaboard itineraries where you can see diving Marine Iguanas feeding underwater. You also see Penguins feeding on tiny silver Sardines using schools of Black Striped Salemas as cover. Turtles are especially abundant at Cabo Douglas which is probably why this is a likely location to site Orcas.

Punta Vicente Roca is a Mola Mola (Sunfish) cleaning station, has large turtle populations, the endemic Galapagos Bullhead shark, Penguins, Sea Horses, Sea Lions and many species of fish not found elsewhere in Galapagos. It is not uncommon to find yourself diving with an endemic Flightless Cormorant.

Day 7 - Cousins Rock > Santa Cruz Highlands :
Cousins Rock is a small rock, the remains of an eroded crater sticking up out of the sea. On the eastern side, the rock cascades down in a series of recessed ledges strewn with black coral, which is bright green under the water. Taking cover in the coral, you may find Seahorses, Frogfish, Octopus, Turtles and the elusive Longnose Hawkfish. It’s not unusual to spot pelagics from Cousins including Mantas, Eagle rays, Mobulas and Hammerhead. Sea lions are fur seals are also at Cousins.

Afternoon we will disembark head for a reserve in the Santa Cruz Highlands to see the iconic Galapagos Tortoise in its natural habitat. After the Highlands, we descend into the largest town in Galapagos, Puerto Ayora. You may opt to visit the Charles Darwin Research Center in the Galapagos National Park or wander about town. Our farewell dinner will be at a restaurant in Puerto Ayora. We then return to Calipso and sail to San Cristobal overnight.

Day 8 - San Cristobal :
You will disembark and are free to visit the Interpretation Center or wander around port before to the airport for your departure.



船宿目的地 加拉帕戈斯
推荐理由 提供高氧, 水摄友好, 救援定位仪, 按摩浴缸, Wi-Fi
船员可沟通语言 英语, 西班牙语




  • 从机场和/或酒店到游轮的接送服务
  • 增值税和地方税
  • 船宿期间的每日三餐 (含小吃零食)
  • 船宿期间的自助类饮品 (饮用水、咖啡、茶)
  • 船宿期间的软饮
  • 潜水活动 (含气瓶、配重、配重带)
  • 潜导领潜服务
  • 自然讲解员服务
  • 船宿期间的陆地游览和岸上活动
  • 游轮意外伤害险
  • 客舱毛巾和洗浴用品
  • 客舱清洁服务
  • Wi-Fi


  • 目的地国境内航班
  • 潜水许可 & 港口口岸费
  • 燃油附加费
  • 离船日前一晚在陆地餐厅的晚餐
  • 船宿期间的酒类饮品
  • 潜水装备租凭
  • 15升大气瓶
  • 高氧潜水
  • 潜水保险 (强制性要求)
  • 旅行保险/行程取消险
  • 船员小费



加拉帕戈斯可以分为两个季节:Manta季(雨季,水温较高) - 12月至4/5月,鲸鲨季(旱季,水温较高) - 6月至11月。全年任何时候都是潜水的好日子,因为就算你在加拉帕戈斯最差的那一潜中看到的物种也会比你在世界上其他大多数潜点最好的时间看到的还要多。但如果非得说个季节出来的话,Dive and Cruise建议在6月中旬至11月期间去加拉帕戈斯更完美,因为看到鲸鲨的机会肯定更高,而且这个时期的锤头鲨鲨群通常数量会更庞大。

加拉帕戈斯群岛水下平均能见度约为10 - 30米,多数时候偏低,并且有时水下洋流会很强,海面也可能会很汹涌。

气温 : 雨季(12月 - 5月) 在23°C - 30°C之间,旱季(6月 - 11月)在21°C - 27°C之间,晚上的温度可以降到只有15°C左右
水温 : 雨季(12月 - 5月) 在18°C - 26°C之间,其中加拉帕戈斯的西部地区(Isabela岛)最冷,只有17°C - 19°C。旱季 (6月 - 11月)在17°C - 26°C之间,这时西部地区(Isabela岛)可能会只有15°C - 18°C。狼岛和达尔文岛则全年都在24°C - 25°C之间。

全年水下都会有冷流经过,必要的保暖措施很重要。我们建议携带5 - 7毫米的湿衣,并且搭配上背心/连体衣、头套、手套等保暖措施。


登船 / 离船
取决你所选择的游轮,登离船点可能会是在加拉帕戈斯群岛的圣克里斯托瓦尔/San Cristobal (SCY) 或者 巴尔特拉/Baltra (GPS).

旅客需要在登船日前至少提前一天乘坐国际航班到厄瓜多尔大陆的基多/Quito (UIO),或者瓜亚基尔/Guayaquil (GYE)。

从厄瓜多尔大陆到加拉帕戈斯群岛旅行需要过境控制卡 (也称为TCT卡),在办理飞往加拉帕戈斯的登机手续前,旅客可在基多和瓜亚基尔机场的INGALA柜台获得该卡,费用为20美元。









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