Trip Time : June-30-2022

Dive Conditions:
Currents: Currents at Wolf and Darwin Island. Moderate Currents at Isabela Island.
Visibility: good 50 - 60ft. at Darwin Island and at Wolf.
Visibility at Fernandina very good 65 – 70ft. Isabela also very good 70 - 80ft. Very good at Cousins 60 - 70ft. No currents.
Water Temperature: Up in the north at Darwin and Wolf Island now 24C (74F). In the west Part of the Islands fresher, about 14C (57F)

Divesites & Marinelife

Itabaca Channel - Punta Carrion:
Sting Rays, Sealions, Whitetipped Sharks, Tigersnake Eel, Mobularays. Golden Cownose Rays, Tropical Fishes.

Wolf Island:
Many Hammerhead Sharks and Galapagos Sharks. Eaglerays.
Yellow Fin Tunas, Dolphins, Scorpionfish, King-Angel Fish, School of Snappers.
Pufferfishes, Barracudas, Trumpetfish, Lots of big green Pacific Seaturtles, Lobsters, many fine spotted moray Eels.
Cardumen of Treavally Jacks, Indopacific Bonito, many playful Sealions and FurSeals. Many Dolphins!

Darwin Island:
Many Whalesharks! Many Hammerhead Sharks, Galapagos Sharks, many Green Pacific Sea-Turtles.

Isabela and Fernandina Island:
Red lipped Batfish, Galapagos Sea-Robin, Marine Iguanas, Flightless Cormorants and many Penguins, Seahorses. Bullhead Shark.
Bluefooted Boobies, Pelicans, Pacific Beakfish, many playful Sealions, many Stingrays, Frogfish. Torpedo-Ray.

Cousins Rock - Bartholome:
White tipped Sharks, Mobularays, many Eaglerays, Seastars, Turtles, Barracudas.
Pufferfish, Tropical Fish, Black Coral.


Friday, first Landtour on Bartholome Island, beautiful Landscape and a spectacular View. Landscape of Lava, with Lavacactus and Lavalizards.
Coast Exploration with the Dinghy's to see Penguins, Birds, Sealions and the famous Pinnacle-Rock.

Wednesday, second Landtour on Santa Cruz Island at the Highlands to see the Giant Galapagos Tortoises.

Then later in the Afternoon visiting the Town Puerto Ayora. Shopping Time. At Night Dinner at the Town.

What Alex told us about his trip

"Concernant le séjours, plongées au top, météo plutôt bonne, visiblité moyenne mais correct.
Eau a 23 sur Wolf et Darwin, et 15 sur Fernandina et Isabela.
Requins baleine a presque toute les plongées sur Darwin, marteaux a gogo, surtout sur wolf, dauphins. lion de mer, tortues, iguanes, bref le top du top!"

L equipage est le bateau sont vraiment top, vraiment très heureux de mon voyage.

@ This feedback is provided by Alex (our guest), please give respect to his copyright!


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